06 June 2009

Spiritual Festival of Christ

The Festival of Christ will be held on Sunday 7 Jun 2009

“Today, on World Invocation Day,

it is worth recalling the remarks of the Tibetan that if we use the Great Invocation “rightly”,

it can “reorient the consciousness of humanity” and stabilise it “in spiritual being”.

It can disrupt and rebuild the planetary thoughtform that has been created in the past,

one which “had and is having such disastrous and cataclysmic results”,

and open the door to a new and better world;

and that “this could be done so rapidly that the needed changes would come about almost overnight”.

While the strength of the combined efforts of all those who use the Great Invocation is undoubtedly being effective in disrupting the planetary thoughtform of selfish materialism,

it is vitally important to know that,

with a little more effort,

the needed changes for a new and better world could be with us right now.

This should serve as a powerful urge for us all to renew our resolve and dedication to the Plan and to earnestly seek to distribute the Great Invocation more widely as well as to deepen our understanding of its use.”

Read Here (http://www.lucistrust.org/en/arcane_school/twelve_spiritual_festivals/gemini/christ_festival_talk)

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