17 December 2009

Healed by the cross of Jesus

Jesus is still the most powerful healer.

After a prolonged anesthetic, I developed a spasm in my throat. It was like a hiccup but by my epiglottis.

Because I am a qualified nurse, aroma therapist, reflexologist, meridian therapist, massage therapist, polarity therapist, spiritual healer, esoteric healer and more, I tried in vain to shift throat irritation but it just kept on spasm. I could relieve the intensity of the spasm, but not the spasm itself.

As a last resort I visualized in my throat the Cross of Jesus. Just that and immediately the spasm stopped.

Jesus is still the most powerful healer and His method is the simplest.
I just opened myself up to Him and the healing request, in my case, was granted.

Three of my friends who are devout Christians have been diagnosed with cancer a while ago. I have been amazed by their recovery from conditions that take the lives of many.

From this day on I shall never do a healing without invoking Jesus Christ and the symbol of the cross.

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