08 November 2008

The New Group of World Servers.

  • This group has been chosen by the Hierarchy as its main channel of expression.
  • This group, composed as it is of all world disciples and all working initiates, finds its representatives in every group of idealists and servers and in every body of people who express human thought, particularly in the realm of human betterment and uplift.
  • Through them, the potency of love-wisdom can express itself.
  • These people are frequently misunderstood, for the love which they express differs widely from the sentimental, affectionate personal interest of the average worker.
  • They are occupied mainly with the interests and the good of the whole group with which they may be associated; they are not primarily concerned with the petty interests of the individual — occupied with his little problems and concerns.
  • This brings such a server under the criticism of the individual and with this criticism they must learn to live and to it they must pay no attention.
  • True group love is of more importance than personal relationships, though those are met as need (note, I say, need) arises.
  • Disciples learn to grasp the need of group love and to amend their ways in conformity with group good, but it is not easy for the self-interested individual to grasp the difference.
  • Through the medium of those disciples who have learned the distinction between the petty concerns of the individual plus his interest in himself and the necessities and urgencies of group work and love, the Hierarchy can work and so bring about the needed world changes, which are primarily changes in consciousness.


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