01 September 2017

Humanity the Treasurehouse of God

Humanity is the custodian of the hidden mystery, and the difficulty consists in the fact that that which man conceals from the world is also hidden from himself.  He knows not the wonder of that which he preserves and nourishes.  Humanity is the treasure-house of God (this is the great Masonic secret), for only in the human kingdom, as esotericists have long pointed out, are the three divine qualities found in their full flower and together.  In man, God the Father has hidden the secret of life; in man, God the Son has secreted the treasures of wisdom and of love; in man, God the Holy Spirit has implanted the mystery of manifestation.  Humanity, and humanity alone, can reveal the nature of the Godhead and of eternal life.  To man is given the privilege of revealing the nature of the divine consciousness, and of portraying before the eyes of the assembled sons of God (at the final conclave before the dissolution) what has lain hidden in the Mind of God. Hence the injunction before us today (in the words of the great Christian teacher) to possess in ourselves "the mind of Christ."  This mind must  dwell in us and reveal itself  in the human race in ever greater fullness.  To man is given the task of raising matter up into heaven, and of glorifying rightly the form side of life through his conscious manifestation of divine powers.

11 July 2012

The world server

"He who faces the light and stands within its radiance is blinded to the issues of the world of men; he passes on the lighted way to the great Centre of Absorption. But he who feels the urge to pass that way, yet loves his brother on the darkened path, revolves upon the pedestal of light and turns the other way.

"He faces towards the dark and then the seven points of light within himself transmit the outward streaming light, and lo! the face of those upon the darkened way receives that light. For them, the way is not so dark. Behind the warriors—twixt the light and dark—blazes the light of Hierarchy."

Alice Bailey

24 November 2011

Pondering on

Initiation Human and Solar  [Page 68-70]

·    We must recognize two things in pondering the subject of the Masters and Their disciples.  First, that in the Hierarchy nothing is lost through failure to recognize the law of economy.  Every expenditure of force on the part of a Master or Teacher is subjected to wise foresight and discrimination.  Just as we do not put university professors to teach the beginners, so the Masters Themselves work not individually with men until they have attained a certain stage of evolution and are ready to profit by Their instruction.

·    Secondly, we must remember that each of us is recognized by the brilliance of his light.  This is an occult fact.  The finer the grade of matter built into our bodies, the more brilliantly will shine forth the indwelling light.  Light is vibration, and through the measurement of vibration is fixed the grading of the scholars.  Hence nothing can prevent a man's progress forward if he but attends to the purification of his vehicles.  The light within will shine forth with ever greater clarity, as the refining process goes on, until—when atomic matter predominates—great will be the glory of that inner man.  We are all graded, therefore, if it may be so expressed, according to the magnitude of the light, according to the rate of vibration, according to the purity of the tone and the clarity of the color.  Who our Teacher is depends therefore upon our grading.  Similarity of vibration holds the secret.  We are frequently told that when the demand is forceful enough the Teacher will appear.  When we build in the right vibrations and attune ourselves to the right key, nothing can prevent our finding the Master.

Groups of Egos are formed: —

1. According to their ray.
2. According to their sub-ray.
3. According to their rate of vibration.

·    All are graded and charted.  The Masters have Their Halls of Records, with a system of tabulation incomprehensible to us owing to its magnitude and its necessary intricacies, wherein these charts are kept.  They are under the care of a Chohan of a Ray, each ray having its own collection of charts.  These charts, being in many sections (dealing with incarnate, discarnate, and perfected Egos), are again all under the care of subordinate guardians.  The Lipika Lords, with Their vast band of helpers are the most frequent users of these charts.  Many discarnate egos awaiting incarnation or having just left the earth, sacrifice their time in heaven to assist in this work.  These Halls of Records are mostly on the lowest levels of the mental plane and the highest of the astral, as they can be there most fully utilized and are most easily accessible.

·    Initiates receive instruction directly from the Masters or from some of the great devas or angels.  These teachings are usually imparted at night in small classes, or individually (should the occasion warrant it) in the Master's private study.  The above applies to initiates in incarnation or on the inner planes.  If on causal levels, they receive instruction at any time deemed advisable direct from the Master to the Ego on causal levels.

·    Disciples are taught in groups in the Master's ashram, or classroom, at night, if in incarnation.  Apart from these regular gatherings, in order to receive direct teaching from the Master, a disciple (for some specific reason) may be called to the Master's study for a private interview.  This occurs when a Master wishes to see a disciple for commendation, warning, or to decide if initiation is desirable.  The major part of a disciple's tuition is left in the hands of some initiate or more advanced disciple, who watches over his younger brother, and is responsible to the Master for his progress, handing in regular reports.  Karma is largely the arbiter of this relation.

·    Just at present, owing to the great need in the world, a slightly different policy is being pursued.  An intensified training is being given to some disciples by some Masters who have not hitherto taken pupils.  The press of work on the Masters Who do take disciples being so great, They have delegated some of Their most promising pupils to some other Masters, drafting them into small groups for a brief period.  The experiment is being tried of intensifying the teaching, and of subjecting disciples, not initiates, to the frequent strong vibration of a Master.  It involves risk, but, if the experiment proves successful, will tend to the greater assisting of the race.

05 May 2010

Love your group members.

Give each other real love in the times that lie ahead, for it is the fusing and illuminating element in the life of the disciple. Let not your love remain theoretical but give that true understanding which ignores mistakes, recognizes no barriers, refuses all separating thoughts, and surrounds each other with that protecting wall of love that meets all need wherever possible – physical, emotional and mental.
It is this which blends the group into one organized whole, which the masters of wisdom can use in the service of the plan.
From "Discipleship in the new age vol 2 page 4" by Alice A Bailey

12 March 2010

Christ Consciousness,

My understanding is that Christ Consciousness is a state of being in love and light.

Love: (The message of Christ)
Light: The divine presence, God, The Heavenly Father

Christ, through Jesus, said: "The Father (Light) and I, Jesus-Christ (love) are one".

Christ Consciousness, (Living in Love and Light) does not belong to the Christian alone but to all who strive towards that ideal.

There is no designer label on the state of living in love and light; it is the state towards which Christians, as well as anyone else can strive, and many do.

Christ can descent to earth through the lives people who strive towards love and light; and every eye can see him.

Let light and love and the power to do good descend on earth.

19 December 2009

God is

God is ----

Our human minds do not possess the ability to describe what God is.
How can we describe a presence of something that is everywhere and in everything any more that a mosquito can describe intricacies of being human?

17 December 2009

Healed by the cross of Jesus

Jesus is still the most powerful healer.

After a prolonged anesthetic, I developed a spasm in my throat. It was like a hiccup but by my epiglottis.

Because I am a qualified nurse, aroma therapist, reflexologist, meridian therapist, massage therapist, polarity therapist, spiritual healer, esoteric healer and more, I tried in vain to shift throat irritation but it just kept on spasm. I could relieve the intensity of the spasm, but not the spasm itself.

As a last resort I visualized in my throat the Cross of Jesus. Just that and immediately the spasm stopped.

Jesus is still the most powerful healer and His method is the simplest.
I just opened myself up to Him and the healing request, in my case, was granted.

Three of my friends who are devout Christians have been diagnosed with cancer a while ago. I have been amazed by their recovery from conditions that take the lives of many.

From this day on I shall never do a healing without invoking Jesus Christ and the symbol of the cross.

01 December 2009


As the soul incarnates, on earth, around the Astrological wheel, from one sign to another; it is the higher lessons of each sign that draws the soul to incarnation. ……

• The soul’s ability to serve.
• The personality’s ability to merge with the soul in order to function.

When at last the kundalini energy erupts in full bloom, the tree of life pulls up its roots and the earth releases its child to cross the bridge to the house of The Father.


23 August 2009

Affirmation of the Disciple

I am a point of light within a greater Light.
I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of Love divine.
I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focused within the fiery Will of God.

And thus I stand

I am a way by which men may achieve.
I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.
I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.

And thus I stand.

And standing thus, revolve
And tread this way the ways of men,
And know the ways of God.

And thus I stand.


06 June 2009

Spiritual Festival of Christ

The Festival of Christ will be held on Sunday 7 Jun 2009

“Today, on World Invocation Day,

it is worth recalling the remarks of the Tibetan that if we use the Great Invocation “rightly”,

it can “reorient the consciousness of humanity” and stabilise it “in spiritual being”.

It can disrupt and rebuild the planetary thoughtform that has been created in the past,

one which “had and is having such disastrous and cataclysmic results”,

and open the door to a new and better world;

and that “this could be done so rapidly that the needed changes would come about almost overnight”.

While the strength of the combined efforts of all those who use the Great Invocation is undoubtedly being effective in disrupting the planetary thoughtform of selfish materialism,

it is vitally important to know that,

with a little more effort,

the needed changes for a new and better world could be with us right now.

This should serve as a powerful urge for us all to renew our resolve and dedication to the Plan and to earnestly seek to distribute the Great Invocation more widely as well as to deepen our understanding of its use.”

Read Here (http://www.lucistrust.org/en/arcane_school/twelve_spiritual_festivals/gemini/christ_festival_talk)

04 June 2009


Gemini Festival

click on the link then on the calander